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Mastering Security and Reference Datasets

Data Management Webinar Series: Part 1 Of 4

Thursday, March 7th 2024 | 10 AM ET - 10:45 AM ET

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Security and Reference Master test

Managing security and reference data is essential, but complicated and time-consuming—especially as data volumes rise. This is why asset managers turn to software from Indus Valley Partners.

Unlike conventional applications, IVP Security and Reference Master features a configurable core and intuitive data modeling that help asset managers handle these tasks more efficiently and reduce turnaround time for complex, non-standard asset classes. All of which reduces operational risk.


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IVP Security and Reference Master

Automate data collection, consolidation, cleansing, coordination, and distribution for security, reference, and entity data.

Eliminate Redundant Steps

Make trusted data available to
all teams.

Improve Speed

Rapid setup and onboarding for new asset classes, entities, and counterparties.

Heighten Accuracy

Avoiding manual processes that can lead to errors and inconsistencies.

Get Notified Sooner

Before missing data or new securities affect downstream systems.

Strengthen Security

With built-in, configurable permissions that control which users can access which data sets.

What’s Possible with Security and Reference Master

Data Creation & Modification

Data Source Prioritization

Data Governance

Data Distribution

Data Normalization & Validation

Key features Of

Security and Reference Master

Seamless Integration

Integrate with any upstream data provider or downstream accounting, order management, or reporting systems using configurable interfaces and standardized adapters.

Complete Asset Class Coverage

Model any security or entity on the fly with a configurable
data model.

Built-in Audit Trail

Audit trail and time series data management help keep track of changes, including the ability to perform backdated changes.

Data Governance Toolbox

Advanced workflow management, exception management, and data validation rules help ensure exceptional data quality.

Corporate Actions Support

Create, update, and store corporate actions data from the provider of your choice.

Real-Time Data Authoring

Ensure timely processing with real-time security or entity instantiation from a preferred data vendor.

Entity Data Management

Use our flexible and extendible data model and robust workflow capabilities to master legal entities and counterparty relationships.

Ensure A Single Source of Truth

IVP Security and Reference Master provides a robust data model, pre-built connectors, vendor arbitration capabilities, and a strong data governance layer.

Ensure A Single Source of Truth

Security and Reference Master is part of our Master Data Management suite of solutions

Together provide a comprehensive framework for managing data on the buy-side.

By The Numbers

3.6 $TN+

AUM managed using
IVP technology

1.5 $TN+

AUM reported through RAPTOR Reg Reporting Platform


Strategy & Bespoke
projects delivered


Fund managers using
IVP Solutions


Fund managers using IVP “Digital-First” Managed Services


Global Hedge fund AUM running through IVP products

Data Management As A Service

Data Management As A Service

Data Management as a Service is a streamlined outsourcing engagement. Our cross-functional support teams use digital-first technologies to manage SRM workflows in the cloud to boost your efficiency.

Customer Use Cases

Alternative Asset Managers

Easily model complex and exotic instruments

Traditional Asset Managers

Automate master data management with extensive data governance tools

Insurance Companies

Store risk and regulatory information for downstream transmission

Resources For Growing Your Firm

IVP’s FinanceForward Thinking

Discover the latest trends, find out how your peers are accelerating their digital transformations, get updates on evolving products, and more.


Expert commentary and industry POV in real time


Thoughtful perspectives on key trends and issues

Case Studies

Advanced solutions benefiting our clients


Leveraging Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence


Talk to an IVP Expert

Schedule a call with an IVP expert. Our knowledge doesn’t just skim the surface, it runs deep, enabling us to help you leverage technology to the fullest for even the most specialized investment strategies.